Business and Education Luncheon

Thank you for your interest in the Washoe K-12 Education Foundation’s (WEF) annual Business and Education Luncheon. WEF is a non-profit dedicated to providing funding and support for student success in the Washoe County School District (WCSD). Sponsorship of the Business and Education luncheon demonstrates your commitment to our community and public education.

Interested in Sponsoring this event?

Email Julia Rogers at

Or complete our contact form at:

Luncheon Details:

  • Tuesday May 16th, 2023

  • Atlantis Grand Ballroom, Reno, Nevada

  • 11:30 a.m. registration

  • 12 noon program begins

  • UNR President Brian Sandoval, keynote speaker

Attendee Details:

  • 400 attendees each year

  • Community and business leaders (city, county, state)

  • Philanthropy community

  • Washoe County School District leadership and staff (superintendent, officers, board trustees, teachers)

  • School District contractors

  • Students

In past three years WEF has:

  • Identified pandemic-learning needs for WCSD students and coordinated the direct placement of $2.5m of pandemic relief funds into the District so that schools could remain open in the ’20-’21 School Year

  • Partnered with the Nevada Women’s Fund to endow the Kristen McNeil Scholarship Fund o Invested $10,000 in WCSD CTE (Career Technology Education) robotics programs

  • Identified Northern Nevada’s Communities in Schools for placement of a $15,000 endowment

2023 Proceeds Will:

  • Sponsor middle school STEM labs

  • Sponsor special purpose teacher grants

Benefits of Sponsorship:

  • - $15,000 sponsorship includes a luncheon speaking opportunity, logo placement on official Business

    and Education Luncheon materials and a table of 8***

  • - $5,000 sponsorship includes a table for 8*** & your business’s logo on official Business and Education Luncheon materials.

  • *$1,050 per table, each table will seat 7 plus a hosted seat for a WCSD member.

Register in advance via EDAWN’s website (more details to come)

Please make checks payable to:

Washoe Education Foundation

316 California Ave PO Box 660

Reno, Nevada 89509